How did the Spirits communicate with Kardec?

We prepared this post to explain how the spirits communicated with Allan Kardec for the codification of the Spiritist Doctrine, in France, from the 1850s. You can check, in chronological order, the means of communication used. 1- Tables In the 19th century, a phenomenon impressed Europe, the United States and other parts of the world: … Read more

What is Spiritism?

8 Curiosities about Spiritism. Below we have prepared 8 curiosities to explain, step by step, a little bit more about what Spiritism is. 1- Where did Spiritism begin? Allan Kardec, the codifier of Spiritism. Spiritism emerged in France in the 1850s and was codified by the educator Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, who used the pseudonym … Read more

Be welcome!

Be very welcome! We were born with the mission of spreading the immortality of the soul and bringing quality Spiritism content to you. We will always try to synthesize the content of our posts in order to make them easy to read and learn. We will talk here about the foundations of Spiritism, Allan Kardec, … Read more